Evernote pricing tiers
Evernote pricing tiers

evernote pricing tiers

It's not an entirely bad idea, I think.ġ) I believe Evernote would benefit more from receiving a steady income from me (and by extension others), rather than 60 euros every 6 years (post-paid, since 6 years is much too long a time period to pre-pay for something no one knows the longevity or direction of)Ģ) I believe Evernote would get more accurate revenue data from receiving that 1 euro each month, than receiving 60 euros now (which they could only assume to be a payment for the next 12 months potentially followed by a renewal - which in this case would not come for another 6 years - rather than payment for the past 60 months)ģ) I will feel weird about basically paying for features I will never use. I've been an Evernote user since the beginning of 2012 (technically a few days into 2011), so that'd be 54 months / euros - close enough to the 60 euros that Premium now costs. With the recent, heated discussion about Evernote's changes to their free service and pricing it's come to the point where - despite all of the above - I've even been considering buying a year of Premium just to cover my historical usage of Evernote at a price I'm willing to pay for the service 1 euro a month. I don't use Office products or deal with business cards or do presentations. Even the new limit of 2 concurrently logged in Evernote clients does not affect me, because that's exactly how I operate.

evernote pricing tiers evernote pricing tiers

I can already search for text in scanned PDFs because I do OCR in other apps (which also means those OCR results are not locked into Evernote, as I've been informed). I'm always connected, so I don't need offline notebooks on my mobile devices (and if I temporarily wasn't, on a trip for example, I could just use other apps to have access to information specific to that trip). I'm in that weird place myself where Evernote is definitely useful to me as a digital filing cabinet, but apart from the password lock on mobile devices - which was recently moved to the Basic tier (and was not worth the subscription price alone) - none of the features on the higher tiers have held any appeal to me so far.Įven if I uploaded all of my notes, including the ones I don't due to privacy concerns, I would not use up 60 MB a month. I support the idea of a 1 euro / month, 10 euros / year plan.

Evernote pricing tiers